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Jala on Beach
Jala doing Hair

This is my journey.

     Growing up was adventurous and crazy at our house. You never knew what was going to be going on or where we might end up. My parents have always been strong supporters of me but they ended up divorced when I was two years old. Both of my parents took me to church. I have always known that when church was having something special, on Sunday’s and Wednesday’s for services, I would be there to listen and learn. I, also, knew that my parents loved me and provided the best for me. I would say that with all its differences, I had the perfect life as a young girl. I never doubted that my life was to serve the Lord. I was saved at church camp in 2017.

     As a teenager, my life became a little more complicated. I found myself enjoying material possessions, wanting to be the center of attention, and needing to have the “right” friends, clothes, car, and stuff. I slowly drifted away from God in many ways but I always thought, “ I am still godly”. As I grew into my later teen years, I loved social media, going and doing, being out and involved socially. I began to spend my weekends away from home and often out drinking, socially enjoying whatever everyone else was doing, and I never worried about what would happen or even concerned about the next day. My looks; clothes, makeup, material possessions began to drive what I thought made me successful and popular. 

     After high school, I pursued a career in cosmetology. Completing this degree and working at Luxe in Oxford gave me even more opportunities to become self-absorbed. I will confess that during the time between 18 years old and 20 years old, God began to deal with me but I was enjoying my lifestyle and I kept pushing him to the side. I was always telling myself that I was living my life in a manner that was okay. I was saved. I was still going to church. I wasn’t hurting anyone. I was fine. I had a great job, lots of friends, a boyfriend, and I was a Christian even if I was running from God. Surrendering my life completely to what I felt like He was calling me to do just wasn’t in my plans at the time.

July 31st, 2023

     What a night! This night changed my life. I was involved in an event that took so much from me and yet gave me even more. I was involved in a terrible ATV accident and was in a coma for six weeks at Tupelo hospital and suffering from multiple strokes. My parents had been told many things. Doctors informed them that I would not walk, I would be bed ridden IF I were able to survive this accident. I was in the critical care unit under constant watch of medical staff but I was also under the watchful eye of MY Lord. At the end of my six weeks stay at Tupelo, while still in a coma, I was transferred to Atlanta, GA to the Shepherds Center.

Jala goes to Shepard

     The Shepherd Center was a very difficult place to face. It is state of the art with medical advancement for TBI patients. I was there for three months. What I mean is that I faced many fears and challenges during my time in Atlanta. I woke from a coma and had so many things that I did not yet understand or know how to face. My family, all of it, was a constant source of encouragement and strength. There were many hours each day spent in OT, PT, Speech and then a repeat of it all. I was never allowed to say “I can’t!” It all paid off. I came home.

Jala graduated from Shepard

     The coming home part of this journey was full of its own hardships. I was not bed ridden. That meant ramps, handicapped accessibilities for the home, and a new attitude. Joyously, I came home in a a wheelchair but with lots of determination too. I learned to walk with a walker, graduated to a few steps with support and now can walk unassisted (most of the time). God is so good! I am not totally dependent any longer on someone to dress me, do my hair, my makeup, or even feed me. I have learned to do those things for myself WITH my left hand. HAHA! I may not be right handed now but I am also very sure God allowed all of this to keep me from being handed life in all the wrong places. I had left HIM for the world but believed that because I was saved in 2017 that I was okay.

    I still struggle with my memory and getting the right side of my body to cooperate with me but I have a joy that is unspeakable and fills my cup to overflowing. This type of happiness can only be explained by me allowing God to cleanse, redeem, and use me in His work. I know that there is no limit to what he can do. I have been able to spread God’s word, share my testimony, visit with others that need encouragement, and LIVE. I get to travel to churches, organizations, schools, and anywhere that people are to tell my story. I get to share God’s grace and mercy with many people. Today I am very “blessed” because luck had nothing to do with it. God has a plan for us all. He will work in our lives if we let Him. Please remember that no matter what our pasts look like, God is NOT finished with our today’s and tomorrows. Let’s just pray for our battles and let God do the rest.

Jala at the beach

I would be thrilled to share my testimony and God’s love to inspire you.


(662) 297 - 4290



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