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Road To Salvation

Bible Text
Jala Speaking

The answer you are looking for is here.

Jala’s journey is not just a story, it’s God’s story of how He saved and redeemed a life that was almost lost. And He wants to do that for you too! 


Why? Because He loves you. John 3:16


See, we are all born with this SIN problem, Romans 3:23, and it may not seem like a big deal but it is a BIG DEAL! Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is DEATH! And there is nothing YOU can do to change it. That’s why no matter how hard you try, you can’t do enough things right or just be a “good person.”  It’s why your relationships and friendships are filled with drama. It’s why you keep getting into trouble and life just seems unfair and miserable. Sin ruins everything! 


But God doesn’t want you to stay that way. In fact, to make a way out of sin and its destruction, He sent His Son to die for you! Not because you wanted Him to but because He knew you needed Him too (Romans 5:8). By accepting what Christ has done, you can be saved from a life of misery and destruction at the cost of sin. It’s the only way you can be transformed into a life of righteousness. 


So tell me, are you tired of feeling like no one, or going down the wrong road, making bad choices, and wishing life could really be different….that it could even be better? Well the answer is Jesus. The Bible tells us that if we will believe in our heart and confess with our mouth, we shall be saved. Romans 10:9-10.

If you made a decision to follow Christ today, would you share that on our page? We would love to pray for you on your journey! 


If you have questions about salvation or just in general about Jesus and His Word, you can message us and we will be glad to talk with you. 


Bro. Ben 

In Good Faith Baptist Church

Pontotoc, MS

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